Group benefits with an
emphasis on benefits.

Our approach is built to work for you.

Group Benefit options are never-ending, and the terminology is confusing. Insured Benefits, ASO, HSA — you just want to get your team covered without a headache.

Take a load off. Leave it to us.

KIG Benefits makes it clear and simple, so you can pick the best option for you and your employees.

Are you...

Unsatisfied with your existing plan or broker?

Do you have an existing plan that you’re unhappy with?

  • Are you unsatisfied with the value you’re receiving from your carrier, plan offering, or experience?
  • Is the relationship you have with your broker one in which you hear from them a month before renewal where they are your best friend, only to never hear from them again until your next renewal? Do you expect better? If so…

New to group benefits?

Are you looking to set up a Group Benefits offering for the first time?

Unsure where to start, how to determine what’s competitive for your industry, or unsure about which carrier is best for your team?

What our process looks like


For us to do our job right, we meet with you to best understand your business, your employees and the overall needs. We then obtain quotes from the group insurance marketplace on a whole without bias towards one or two companies.


We then put together an informative and easy to understand presentation of your options, allowing you to make your decision easily and effortlessly.


The decision to implement a plan has been made by management.

Now what?

Master application, enrollment forms, plan member registration & online access, benefit cards, booklets, and more.

Our team will work closely with you and your HR department to quickly and easily manage this with clear instructions on what needs to be done.

We also hold employee seminars, so each employee knows what’s covered, understands how their plan works, and are empowered to begin utilizing it from day 1.


We are in touch throughout the year as we provide quarterly reports to let you know how your benefit program is performing.

4-6 weeks prior to your plan renewal, we meet to review the plan and to implement strategy for cost control and stability.

Our job doesn't end after your plan has been implemented.

We go above and beyond by assisting you with every aspect of the plan throughout the year.

We’re different that way.

Some of the things we help with:

Unbiased advice.

Keller Insurance Group works with all the carriers, so we fit the product to your needs not the other way around.

Existing plan?

I’m Here To Assist You

Something isn’t clear?

Feel free to contact us, and we will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.

New to group benefits?

I’m Here To Assist You

Something isn’t clear?

Feel free to contact us, and we will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.